01) Eat Garbage.
It’s good for the immune system, and eventually, it’s all that will be left, so better get used to it. To be fair, the average American already eats garbage, so this is no stretch. Anyways, practice with actual garbage, not just Happy Meals.
02) Jogging Pants.
When the end of the world rolls around, you’ll want the comfort of elastic waistbands and cottony delightfulness, so better to start creating a stockpile. Plus you don’t need underwear with jogging pants. Matching hooded sweatshirts are a nice touch as well. If you have enough for some friends you could be a gang, the Comfort Gang. Whether or not you go with the elastic at the bottom of the legs is entirely up to you.
03) Poop Outside.
I don’t see there being toilets, so start practicing. Although be careful when choosing a wiping leaf ( as they say "Leaves of three...", “Please tell me that’s not how you recently had a brush with poison Ivy, Kevin.”, “No, it’s not.”).
04) MacGyver.
Watch episode after episode, because I’m sure most of his inventions are fundamentally sound and would work in real life. If you can make a solar powered laser beam from a pistachio, a soiled prophylactic and your own eyeball, trust me, you’ll do fine in THUNDERDOME WORLD.
05) Learn Guitar.
You could totally be the next Bob Dylanesque folk hero in the Post-Apocalyptic uprising (assuming that you are uprising against some type of force, like Pod People, or Snooki). Hmm… maybe learn the Ukelele or Harmonica though as they're more portable. Or invent your own instrument with the skills you’ve learned watching MacGyver.
06) Hide and Seek.
Although, it’s mostly the hiding part that you will need after the end of the world, unless you’ve taken to cannibalism, at which point, maybe you’re a seeker. Oh, also play with other adults, because kids are AWFUL at hide and seek.
07) Home Brew.
You know, because the MOONSHINE guy is always loved in the Post-Apocalyptic community.
08) Monologue.
Start being comfortable talking to yourself, because you might be the only one around for long stretches of time. And be ok with it. Don’t create yourself a lover named Wilson from a ball used in the sport Volleyball. A volleyball, if you will.
09) Nick Name.
Figure out what you want to be called after the apocalypse, because people named Kevin don’t last long. People named SOLITAIRE or DESTRO or TRIXIE or DYNAMITE or NITRO or MALONE can survive a long time. Do not use names like TARGET or GONER.
10) Catchphrase.
Have a catchphrase, like “thrill me”, or “I’d buy that for a dollar”, because if someone is shooting a documentary about the aftermath, you’ll totally get more screen time. It might be good if you have a theme song too. It’s even better if you wrote it (see: Step 5 - Learn Guitar).
11) Hoarding.
Have enough to be ready, but not enough to end up on 'A&E' with that psychiatrist with the huge forehead (Dr. Fivehead, as she is called in our household). Or just rob an Extreme Couponer. Have you seen those stockpiles? That’s a lot of green beans.
12) Be Nice.
You know, to people, in general, because karma is a bitch. Especially in a flesh eating scenario.
I know a lot of these steps seem drastic, but you really never know when the big change is a comin’, so you’re better off having these things ready. What’s that saying? “The best preparation is awesome preparation”. No wait, it’s “the best prepared people are prepared for the worst”. Is that a saying? If it is, it’s kind of a bummer. Fuck that.
I’m probably missing some vital preparatory steps, but this is a good start.
That’s it. MacGyver Season three… GO!